Crescent Bay - The new Oculus VR(Virtual Reality) headset prototype

Oculus has announced a new prototype called Crescent Bay, another step towards the consumer version of its virtually reality headset.

The new headset features 360-degree tracking

"It's as big of a leap as we made from DK1 to DK2," says Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe, referring to the first two versions for the Rift development kit.

it is much lighter. Thank god.

The new headset features 360-degree tracking, letting the Rift's external camera track the back of the headset as well as the front, making it easier for people to move without feeling constrained by staying in the camera's range. It's supposed to have improved weight and ergonomics -- "it is much lighter. Thank god." says Iribe. And for the first time, it includes integrated headphones.

for first time, it includes integrated headphones

Crescent Bay was announced at the Oculus Connect developer conference in Hollywood, CA.

The Crescent Bay prototype will be available to try at Oculus Connect. "You can create unbelievable worlds. You can create believable worlds. After all, this is just the beginning." says Irebi

You can create unbelievable worlds. You can create believable worlds. After all, this is just the beginning.

The first Oculus Rift VR headsets were shipped in the spring of 2013, but a consumer version has not yet been announced, and this emphatically isn't one. So far, Iribe says that over 100,000 Rift development kits have been shipped to 130 countries and the company is still filling pre-orders for its secon-generation model. The Crescent Bay prototype follows Crystal Cove, which was first shown off at CES 2014 in January -- the DK2, which is based on it, which is based on it, came out a couple of months later.

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